ROM update ASUS X00DD Zenfone 3 MAX (ZC553KL)To Android 7.1.1 (Nougat)
This is the ROM update through OTA to Android 7.1.1 for anyone who wants to scratch, experience.
Note that this child up to 7 still have some errors. Who wants stability should not be up.
(Reading): How to flash Asus Zenfone 4 T00i, 100% Tested By Me
System Requirements: 4 GB of free internal memory for complete update. Must be Android 6 with firmware: ASUS ZenFone3 Max (ZC553KL) X00DD Software Image Version: or higher.
After you download the copy directly zip file to the internal memory of the machine. No need to rename. After the copy is complete and then restart the phone you will be notified of the update and update.
After a successful update to Android 7.1.1 you will then delete the file in the phone memory or the phone will continuously update each time you restart the phone.
Note that this child up to 7 still have some errors. Who wants stability should not be up.
(Reading): How to flash Asus Zenfone 4 T00i, 100% Tested By Me
System Requirements: 4 GB of free internal memory for complete update. Must be Android 6 with firmware: ASUS ZenFone3 Max (ZC553KL) X00DD Software Image Version: or higher.
After you download the copy directly zip file to the internal memory of the machine. No need to rename. After the copy is complete and then restart the phone you will be notified of the update and update.
After a successful update to Android 7.1.1 you will then delete the file in the phone memory or the phone will continuously update each time you restart the phone.
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